Colorado Springs Audiology

Common Problems with Hearing Aids

Hearing aids can restore much more than your ability to hear. Wearing a hearing aid can make it easier and more pleasant to communicate and interact with others, improving both your personal and professional lives. It can also lessen frustration, decrease your risk of cognitive decline, and reduce your risk of injury by allowing you to recognize potential hazards more quickly. While they clearly offer significant benefits, hearing aids aren’t infallible. Today we’re exploring eight of the most common problems with hearing aids.

Eight Common Problems with Hearing Aids

Although advances in technology have made today’s hearing aids more comfortable, effective, and discreet than those of years past, certain issues do tend to crop up. If you’re a novice, you should expect a bit of a learning curve as you adjust to your new hearing aid, but there is no cause for anxiety. Audiologists can easily address most common problems with hearing aids.


Earwax, also known as cerumen, is often dismissed as an annoyance, but it’s actually a protective substance that plays an important role in the ear’s natural self-cleaning process. While a little earwax is a good thing, however, excessive earwax can be troublesome. This is especially true if you wear a hearing aid, because earwax can block the device’s small parts and interfere with its performance. To prevent earwax buildup on your hearing aid, wipe it down when you remove it. And if you suffer from excess cerumen, consult your audiologist so that you can find an appropriate technique to safely clean the extra earwax from your ears.


It will likely take some time to get used to the feel of something new in your ear. In addition, many people worry that their new hearing aids will slip out at first. Don’t fret! Wearing a hearing aid that is fitted properly will quickly begin to feel as natural as wearing eyeglasses or earrings. Today’s devices are small enough that even the most active lifestyle shouldn’t pose a problem. If you are experiencing discomfort or having trouble with the hearing aid moving excessively, visit an audiologist and have them check the device’s fit.


Some people struggle with mild headaches or the sensation of plugged, stuffy ears as they first begin wearing hearing aids. If the problem persists, don’t hesitate to visit an audiologist. There may be an issue with the device’s fit or its settings, and a professional can make the adjustments necessary to improve the hearing aid’s function and your comfort.

Battery Life

Battery life is a common complaint with virtually any type of mobile technology, and hearing aids are no exception. Thankfully, there’s an easy fix. The batteries that power these devices are tiny. Carrying spares is a simple way to ensure that you always have the power needed to fuel your device so that you can hear the world around you clearly.


The moisture that you encounter throughout your day – while showering, sweating at the gym, getting caught in a downpour, etc. – should not put a damper on your ability to hear clearly. However, completely waterproof hearing aids are still a rarity, so you will likely need to remove these devices before you go swimming.


When something presses against a hearing aid, the device is liable to pick up on and amplify its own operating noises, resulting in an unpleasant squeal of feedback. To avoid this jarring noise, check that the device fits properly, and don’t switch it on until after it is in place. You might also consider selecting a device with a feedback elimination feature.

Volume Control

In the past, wearing a hearing aid often meant frequently dialing the volume up and down as you switched activities. Today, you have the option of selecting a digital hearing aid that automatically adjusts to the noise level of the environment. Some devices even come with remote controls, making discreet volume adjustments a cinch. An audiologist can help you explore your options so that you can find a hearing aid that suits your needs.


Technology is great when it works. When it doesn’t, you’re likely to find yourself dealing with both its absence and the prospect of repair or replacement costs. While the companies that make hearing aids are continually working to improve their products, malfunctions can happen, especially if the device is subjected to rough treatment. Although it’s impossible to predict or prevent every malfunction, you can minimize disruptions by purchasing your device through a reputable provider, securing a warranty, and caring for it properly.


Whether you experience one of these common problems with hearing aids or encounter a totally different issue, an audiologist can provide the help you need to resolve the matter. To learn more about hearing aids, schedule a consultation with Apex Audiology today if you live near Limon, Pueblo, or Colorado Springs, Colorado. Dr. William F. Herholtz can conduct a simple hearing test, increase your understanding of your hearing loss, and offer solutions for treatment. To get started, please call us at 719-247-9000 or schedule an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you!